pilates | vickiculverwell
pilates | vickiculverwell


Pilates is an excellent way of strengthening postural muscles through increased body awareness. This is so valuable during and after pregnancy when associated changes in the body and your lifestyle can lead to numerous aches and pains.

Practising pilates through and/or after pregnancy (when given the ‘all-clear’ by your doctor or midwife) will help to train the muscles which support and protect your spine and pelvis and keep you strong for the demands of labour and motherhood, which follow.

If practised during pregnancy pilates prepares the body for the many changes it has to go through and can be used to develop useful skills (such as breathing techniques) needed during labour.

If an exercise routine is established during pregnancy, it is often easier to put back into place once the baby is born and demands on your time are greater.

Ante-natal Pilates

Each body and pregnancy is different. I prefer to discuss ante-natal Pilates with the individual to establish a programme that is tailor made for them. A mixture of classes and one-to-ones is normally the answer.

Post-natal Pilates

When you have had an all-clear from your midwife or doctor you may be ready to join a class.

A structured course works best as you can gradually build strength as your body starts to recover.

Time for yourself is important…making a commitment to your own welfare is vital, not just for you but for your baby too.

Functional exercises are the key…what you learn in class can be used in your everyday life to help with the demands of motherhood.

Call me to see when the next course begins, if you have had your baby.

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