pilates | vickiculverwell
pilates | vickiculverwell


The ‘Real’ Option

Classes will run from 24 February to 24 March (5 weeks).
Monday 9.30am and 11am
£74 for one class per week (for five weeks) or £90 for one in-person and one online class per week (for five weeks).

Classes will be held at the The Bowls Club in Abbey Lane. Numbers of participants in each class are very limited.

The Zoom Option

The online classes will run from 25 February 28 March (5 weeks).
Tuesday 7pm
Wednesday 9.15am and 10.15am
Thursday 7pm
Friday 9.15am and 10.15am
£69 for one class per week (for five weeks) or £85 for two classes per week (for five weeks).
A recorded copy of the class will be available for 30 days after broadcast.

Payment Details:

Sort code 30-99-50
Account number 50887668

Please use your own name as a reference and/or email me to let me know you’ve paid, the date and how much so I can identify you on my statement.

Joining a class

To join a class please download and complete the enrolment form and email vickiculverwell@hotmail.com to advise which classes you want to join.

  Download enrolment form

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